Monday, November 8, 2010

Tips on making money through Social Media without PISSING PEOPLE OFF!!

 OK so for starters i want you to know that this isn't all my ideas. It's just research that i've taken from varies places and taken notes and put it together to a plan that works for me. So if you get one idea that potentially works then good for you. That's a start and how i did it. My first piece of advice is BE PATIENT! there's no such thing as get rich quick. Everything worth having is hard to get otherwise everyone would have it. So roll up your sleeves and get to work. So now where do you point that work? what direction. First knowledge and your starting so that's good. Ok enough rambling.
So first of all what is Social Media? Media, that's all it is. I'll bet Opera could take a dump and roll it up in fish tin foil and put fish hooks on it and sell 100,000 of them for 100 bucks a piece! that's the point. It's getting to be able to reach a TON of people and have them listen to you.
A sales pitch is in a content wrapper. Never and I mean never send a direct sales message on Facebook, Twitter, your email list. Instead send people videos, articles, Webinars, educate them. That's why the videoforward works so well. Your indirectly selling them. You show them a video that they enjoy and you make money purely on the numbers.
Protect your audience with an iron cage. Don't send them crap. If you do that you'll lose credibility and believe me from expirence that will loose you followers.
Really care about your followers. If someone asks you something, answer. and don't refer them to garbage.
Ok so now that we've covered that i'm going to show you some methods of Social Media Selling. remember Indirectly!!! ( Oh and if your wondering how to get people to follow you see my past Hubs )
1. Pre-Affiliate Video, So let's say that you've got a video that you want to share with people where it's a funny video or a current event. I would tweet to my network of people and put on my facebook profile. ( and we already talked about getting more people on your facebook right?) and right there i have 2500 viewers. And if it's a funny video they forward that to there friends and it grows and grows. Usually when i send out to about 2500 viewers, it builds up to about 8000 people. Now see how easy that is. The key is content! make sure it's either relevant ( current events ) or entertaining. Now your asking how do we make money from that. We'll i've got more detail in that in previous hubs but the affiliate link on the video and the adsense ads around the video. And best of all you didn't piss anyone off! haha.
Ok i've got to head out to watch the Hockey game but i'll have some other tips tomorrow. If your interested in the Video platform i'll leave the link below. There's a short video explaining a bit more how it works. Thanks for reading and if you have any comment's please feel free to leave them below.
Oh and you don't need the books and all that crap. There's online training and forums to brainstorm ideas. You just need the platform to network your page.

Patrick Dunn

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